
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My First Great Question

I have a question for Madonna, who made her fame and fortune here in the USA from the beginning......starting in New York City from Bay City, Michigan

Why did you have to go to the other side of the world to adopt a poor little black boy? Wasn't there any available here in the USA?

So often I've wondered how some Americans could get caught up in adopting foreign children when right here in our country, there are kids who grow up with no chances, no education, and no hope. Yet to put even more of a spotlight on these grotesque decisions, limelighters like Madonna, Angelina Jolie, and the like stand on the world stage and to me scream...I'm a traitor to all American Children!!!.........

Young, Homeless, and in America

Amazingly enough Detroit, which is just down the road from where Madonna grew up, has 7% unemployment. Bet the souls out of work in her own state could have used some of that $3m to help their kids.

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About Me

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I'm many things...before my daughter died, I was a mom of two. Thank God I still have my Kathy. Since she has given me two grandchildren, now I'm a grandmother, a sister, daughter and a friend. I love many and have lovED many. I'm settling down now into my retirement....and my favorite pastime...research, activism, and photos. I am very much a Liberal, and that word to me means "Live and Let Live". I pretty much don't give a damn if anyone likes or dislikes what I have to say. If you want to comment, then go ahead please do.



Don't Sit On Your Ass & Do Nothing

I've always been a believer in change. It's inevitable, and you might as well deal with it. This particular blog is designated to just that. Change and Repair.
We have things going on in this government that we ought not just sit on our asses and take. If we want to live in this country and call ourselves free, then we better get busy and get free.

Come One, Come All

This is an invite to make comments, voice your opinions, or make suggestions. I don't care what you want to talk about, just remember that this blog is about activism. So c'mon tell me what you think, whatcha want to do about it, and when