
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Democratic Team v The Republicans

Here we are at two weeks to blast off. As usual, the Republicans have GOT to come up with something, and of course it has been circulating....Obama is an undercover terrorist, with terrorist connections. I even had a guy send me a whole list of things that Muslim extremist have done over the past decade, ie, blown up this and that...and of course right in the middle of it is Obama. No, I won't pass garbage like that on, I dumped it in the shitter right where it belongs. Not only does Palin lack experience, but I don't think she would have an easy time at gaining respect amongst our allies should she be forced into the Presidency. Oh, and let's not forget Obama is a "socialist". That's funny...we just gave Wall Street 700m to bail their claims that the "sky is falling". There's something about that that spells socialism, not to mention the U.S. has been supporting railroads, banks, for how long now???....another form of socialism. It's ok for corporate America to get socialistic standards, but holy shit if a single individual gets something considered socialist, like free health care...wham...we are the verge of Communism...yea right. BTW, all you Michigan voters, make sure you vote YES on Proposal 1. Medical Marijuana. It's ok for the drug companies to make,supply and sell drugs at bloated prices, but hell no on the marijuana do...since it can be grown in your own home...make sense?....nope. It never does. McCain is anti-abortion, but supports stem cell research...where does this nit think stem cell research comes from. Truly, I'm against abortion as a means of birth control, absolutely! I've watched a low-life member of my own family have at least six abortions, and it made me utterly sick to my stomach. When the bitch finally did decide to go full term, she failed at that one and went on a crack binge bringing in a six-week preemie addicted to crack. She was the one who should have been aborted, but I guess at this point since she's almost 40 years old, that's a little late..although firing squad isn't...hmmm.
So back to supporting medical marijuana, if someone is sick and it helps them, then what the hell is wrong with that? Further, I'd much rather legalize it, even though I'm not a smoker, I see nothing wrong with it.

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About Me

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I'm many things...before my daughter died, I was a mom of two. Thank God I still have my Kathy. Since she has given me two grandchildren, now I'm a grandmother, a sister, daughter and a friend. I love many and have lovED many. I'm settling down now into my retirement....and my favorite pastime...research, activism, and photos. I am very much a Liberal, and that word to me means "Live and Let Live". I pretty much don't give a damn if anyone likes or dislikes what I have to say. If you want to comment, then go ahead please do.



Don't Sit On Your Ass & Do Nothing

I've always been a believer in change. It's inevitable, and you might as well deal with it. This particular blog is designated to just that. Change and Repair.
We have things going on in this government that we ought not just sit on our asses and take. If we want to live in this country and call ourselves free, then we better get busy and get free.

Come One, Come All

This is an invite to make comments, voice your opinions, or make suggestions. I don't care what you want to talk about, just remember that this blog is about activism. So c'mon tell me what you think, whatcha want to do about it, and when