
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Obama, President Elect

I'm very glad that Obama won, but boy I don't envy the mess he's got to deal with. I think he will put together a sensible cabinet, and hopefully he will get some important issues dealt with. I would not as a citizen excuse Bush & Cheney for anything. I'd like to take a look at their net worths especially since they've been in office. A firing squad is too good for the both of them

I've noticed that people with money don't want it just going to anybody...they want their name stamped on every dollar they give away, or are forced to give. They don't see things in the same light that I do. If I give something to someone, it's face to face usually, and it probably is without strings. If I give, I give. If I buy, I buy. Simple as that. I don't need medals, shrines, or churches following me around with a donation plate. I just hate seeing people go without basic things that make this life livable.

Toleration and tolerance are terms used in social, cultural and religious contexts to describe attitudes and practices that prohibit discrimination against those practices or group memberships that may be disapproved of by those in the majority. Conversely, 'intolerance' may be used to refer to the discriminatory practices sought to be prohibited. I think the people of the US have become so intolerant of everything from soup to nuts. You can't smoke, drink, cop a buzz, or drive. You can't say certain words, and you sure as hell can't do most of the above in front of anyone. You can't show enthusiasm, and trust me if you do, you are subject to enforcement of "quiet your ass down" procedures by the powers that be, and it doesn't matter how old or young you are. You are subject to approval or disapproval from a long, long list of criteria. Yes, I am aware that, drinking and driving kills people....I wonder if those people were going to die anyway? Drugs ruin lives....especially if you're caught with them and do a stiff 20 in prison. Smoking tobacco is a no-no-no. It's the newest no-no that's hitting everywhere. Can't smoke in public places...even if it's outside..yup there's states that have those laws. You know, the second-hand smoke deal. Never mind we're breathing air in the first place that is so polluted from factories, cars....but nope you are not allowed to pollute yourself around anyone. This all just makes too damn much sense to me. You are no longer an individual, and there is no thinking like one either. (well you can, just as long as you don't get caught).
I'm hoping in the next eight years, some of this bullshit will lighten up a bit. Whew, these fucking Republicans are such assholes, and anyone who wants to mimic their behavior makes me ill.

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About Me

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I'm many things...before my daughter died, I was a mom of two. Thank God I still have my Kathy. Since she has given me two grandchildren, now I'm a grandmother, a sister, daughter and a friend. I love many and have lovED many. I'm settling down now into my retirement....and my favorite pastime...research, activism, and photos. I am very much a Liberal, and that word to me means "Live and Let Live". I pretty much don't give a damn if anyone likes or dislikes what I have to say. If you want to comment, then go ahead please do.



Don't Sit On Your Ass & Do Nothing

I've always been a believer in change. It's inevitable, and you might as well deal with it. This particular blog is designated to just that. Change and Repair.
We have things going on in this government that we ought not just sit on our asses and take. If we want to live in this country and call ourselves free, then we better get busy and get free.

Come One, Come All

This is an invite to make comments, voice your opinions, or make suggestions. I don't care what you want to talk about, just remember that this blog is about activism. So c'mon tell me what you think, whatcha want to do about it, and when